The status quo
- D&K p. 126
- pets are private property and/or children
- they should be considered "animal citizens" and should have access to public places
- "loose" cats and dogs not permitted
- exception: registered feral cat colony (SMU has one!)
- Operation Kindness--better to keep cat entirely indoors
- have to be spayed/neutered (with exceptions)
What would D&K's proposal look like?
- Istanbul, Turkey (15 million people, most populous city in Europe)
- Cat movie: Kedi (0-18, 48:20-56:26) -- at amazon prime and elsewhere
- Dog movie: Stray
The Istanbul model
- cats not "mine" in the sense of property or a child
- they are at liberty to come and go
- they are not feral--they are tame and cared for (food, vet care)
- current controversy--President Erdogan proposes banning stray dogs
More issues
- cats eating mice, rats, rabbits, swallows (denizens)
- cats eating birds (wild sovereigns)
- What might D&K say?
- Some other perspectives (for outside cats and against)
More places where animals have more access to public spaces