
Wild and domesticated animals


  • Revised plan due tonight
  • Paper due 11/20
  • Make sure you read instructions


Module 5: Wild animals

  1. Do we have a duty to assist wild animals? (Nov 13, 15, 18, 20-debate)
    • Today: one-off assistance, animals in special situations
    • Friday: wild animal suffering, systemic assistance
  2. What matters more, wild species or wild individuals? (Nov 22)
  3. Wild animals in captivity -- zoos and aquariums (Dec 2, 4)
  4. Hunting wild animals (Dec 6)

Clare Palmer, "Should we offer assistance to both wild and domesticated animals?"

Terminology: (a) domesticated (b) wild

Palmer's position

A, B, C:  we should offer assistance, required
D: not required and not wrong, optional


Palmer's argument--

Capacity-based ethics (or individualistic) 
  1. What are the individual animal's capacities, interests, rights?
  2. Should usually treat similar individuals alike
  3. Peter Singer: we have an obligation to assist in A, B, C and D (if possible)--forward-looking, should maximize future good
  4. Tom Regan: same?  Not quite, because he mainly postulates negative rights--right to be left alone. So we'll focus on Singer.
Context-based ethics  -- BETTER!
  1. What are the individual animal's capacities, interests, rights? 
  2. Must also ask: What is the context--our history and relations with the animal? Are we responsible?
  3. Palmer: A, B, C -- we should assist because we are responsible; D -- optional (not required, not wrong), because we are not responsible.
  4. D&K add: in D situations one-off assistance ok, but not widespread assistance; must respect "wild sovereignty"

Apply to pufflings situation

A capacity approach (e.g. Singer) says....
A context approach (e.g. Palmer) says...


Some D scenarios--wild animals in trouble, not because of humans

Bald Eagles in Dallas


Leopard infanticide in the Okavanga Delta, Botswana
  1. Xudum is the mother
  2. Musweu is the male intruder
  3. Film-makers are Brad and Tristan
  4. Watch 16-18:30 & 26:05-35