
Do species matter?

 Individuals vs. species

  1. Caring about "this spotted owl"--i.e. an individual owl
  2. Caring about "the spotted owl" -- i.e. the species

Two possible views
  1. Species first!
    • accepted by conservationists and environmentalists
    • accepted by state and federal wildlife managers
  2. Individuals first!
    • accepted by animalists



They shoot owls in Northern California, don't they? (title echoes a movie title)
  • Barred owls plentiful
  • crowding out northern spotted owls and California spotted owls, which are endangered 
  • US Fish and Wildlife service plans on killing a million barred owls to save the spotted owl
  • killings not seen as bad
  • this outcome seen as good (below)
Left: Oregon, all barred owls, larger number of owls
Right: Oregon, barred owls + spotted owls, smaller number of owls


How they are culled
  • via deception
  • is it wrong to deceive animals?
  • using lures in hunting and fishing (something to discuss when we get to hunting)


Jeff McMahan (yes, the same one)--"The Meat Eaters"
  • like Johannsen, worried about wild animal suffering, predation
  • lots of arguments, but let's focus on this:
  1. "It would be good to prevent the vast suffering and countless violent deaths caused by predation." (last paragraph)*
  2. It's less obviously good to preserve a species. (last paragraph)
  3. Genetically altering carnivores is risky given our current scientific knowledge.
  4. Many species are endangered and we can't save them all. THEREFORE,
  5. We should prioritize saving herbivores and let the carnivores go.

* Biblical support for premise 1

The Peaceable Kingdoms of Edward Hicks – Art & Theology
Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom (1830-1840)


Conservation efforts through McMahan's eyes

Saving the spotted owl by killing barred owls
  • clearly causing the barred owls to suffer
  • unclear benefit of saving the species of spotted owls
  • not saving any prey from suffering, because both species are carnivores
Saving wolves 
Saving ocelots
Saving lions
Saving the rhino....YES!