
Animals in Western Thought: Aristotle on Human Superiority


  1. Module 1, the big picture
  2. Aristotle on Human Superiority
  3. Reading responses 

Module 1, the big picture

Reading responses

Required material 
  1. Henry says that Aristotle thought animals lack reason but have something analogous to reason.  Elaborate by talking about some of these topics: What is reason, according to Aristotle (p.1)? The spider web example (p. 2) Or back up answer with a good quote.
  2. Henry says Aristotle thought animals lack genuine virtue but have "traces and seeds" of virtue.  Elaborate by talking about some of these topics: Examples of virtues (p. 3). Or what he says about children (p. 3). Or the difference between "natural virtue" and "full fledged virtue" (p. 4). Or what he says about virtue requiring practical wisdom (p. 4). Or back up answer with a good quote.
  3. Aristotle says we are entitled to use animals as food because "animals exist for the sake of humans." Elaborate by talking more about what he says in the passage on p. 5 (also on p. 9) or related topics.
Reading philosophy (see tab at top and also at Canvas)