
Animal liberation


Use workbook

  1. Instructions for doing field trip assignment--Canvas
  2. Sign up for one of three groups
  3. Sign up for sub-group
  4. Meet with other people in the same sub-group--cooperate if you wish



Humans have higher moral status than animals; humans and animals are not equal

  1. Aristotle: because animals are less rational, need to be governed by humans; exist to be food for humans 
  2. Bible: because only humans made in God's image; humans given dominion over animals; humans given permission to eat animals
  3. Kant: because humans are full persons with self-awareness, rationality, morality; so the categorical imperative gives us duties to humans; no duties to animals
    • Korsgaard: Kant should have said simply having goals is enough to confer full moral status on animals
Then again, they all have some regard for animals
  1. Aristotle does think "better for both" matters when it comes to using animals for labor
  2. Bible says "and God saw that it was good"; initial vegetarianism; God's covenant with animals
  3. Kant:  there are "shoulds" involving animals but they're based on our duties (indirect) to humans

  1. Jeremy Bentham: 1748-1832
  2. Peter Singer: contemporary
Animalism: Animals have the same moral status as humans



Movements for equality (all surged in the 1970s)

Women's liberation: men and women are equal
Black liberation: blacks and whites are equal
Animal liberation: humans and animals are equal
Any liberation movement can look absurd if you misunderstand the meaning of "equality"

  1. "equal" doesn't mean factually just alike
  2. "equal" doesn't mean "must always be treated exactly the same"
  3. "equal" doesn't mean "all rights exactly the same"
What "equal" does mean:

"The basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment; it requires equal consideration." (p. 2)

The principle of equality says that "the interests of every being affected by an action are ro be considered and given the same weight as the like interests of any other being." (p. 3)

"It is an implication of this principle of equality that our concern for others and our readiness to consider their interests ought not to depend on what they are like or on what abilities they possess." (p. 4)

Example: after a natural disaster who gets water? 

Why are we resistant to equal consideration for animals?

specisism--'a prejudice or bias in favor of the interests of members of one's own species and against those of members of other species, on the basis of species alone." (4-5)

speciesm...racism...sexism - structurally similar but may have different features



What matters for full moral status is not rationality, being made "in God's image," self-awareness, having goals, etc. etc.  What matters is....

Sentience: the capacity for suffering or pleasure
Sapience: the capacity for higher thought 

NOT our equal: the stone being kicked along the road (not sentient)
YES our equal: the mouse kicked along the road (sentient)

Which animals are sentient? A scientific question. Module 2.


Equality = equal consideration of interests
Rights talk in Bentham ... just a manner of speaking 

  1. The dog's interest in water should be given equal consideration
  2. The dog has a right to water (more oomph, less flexible)
Next week: animal rights philosopher Tom Regan


dig deeper into Peter Singer's views
  1. causing suffering vs killing
  2. Utilitarianism
  3. Quick preview of his positions on various questions