
Review for Midterm


Use the study guide! (at tab above)


  1. Module 1 -- moral status of animals --Aristotle, Bible, Singer, Regan, Carruthers
  2. Module 2 -- animal minds, animal deaths -- pain, pleasure, morality, self-awareness, time travel, death -- Yong, Balcombe, DeWaal, McMahan
  3. Module 3 -- animals and society -- Donaldson & Kymlicka (D&K)


  1. What is meant by "moral status" and "moral standing"?
  2. What is an animalist? Why are these all animalists: Singer, Regan, D&K
  3. The non-animalists: Bible, Aristotle, Kant, Carruthers
  4. What is sentience? What is a "subject of a life"?
  5. What are "marginal cases"?
  6. What's the difference between saying animals are our equals (Singer) and saying they have rights (Regan)?
  7. What is Utilitarianism? 
  8. What is Contractualism? 
  9. Other basics?


  1. Aristotle & Bible: mixed views, they defend meat-eating but not cruelty
  2. Kant: I have no duties to animals but I should be kind to my old dog. Is this contradictory?
  3. Singer: principle of equality vs. Utilitarianism
  4. Regan: argument for rights
  5. Carruthers: why marginal cases do have rights but animals don't.
  6. Carruthers: Astrid the astronaut
  7. Animal minds: nociception, feeling of pain, time travel, episodic memory, rudimentary morality
  8. McMahan: "time relative interest in continuing to live" & 8 reasons why humans have stronger TRICL
  9. D&K: political categories, not mental categories; equal basic rights
  10. D&K: the rights and responsibilities of animal citizens (no simple human-> animal extension)
  11. Others?