
Animal Entertainments: Rodeos and Bullfights


  1. Presentation
  2. Reminder: no class Monday
  3. After Thanksgiving--a week on animal law 
    • existing laws & moderate reforms (Monday)
    • major reforms (Wednesday & Friday, Shelby Bobosky, Esq.)
  4. Culture and Cruelty

Culture or Cruelty?
75% -- should criticize cruelty, not defer to culture
25% -- should defer to culture, not criticize cruelty

Compromise: criticize, but carefully
  1. Understand the practice first 
    • What do the animals experience?
  2. Understand how the practice fits into the culture
    • Example: Bernard Rollin explains how rodeo fits into Western culture and ranching
  3. Assess whether it's real culture or performative 
    • Rick Steves: there are a lot of tourists at bullfights in Madrid
  4. Don't overlook similar practices in your own culture
    • If you're going to judge bullfights you should also look at rodeos 
  5. Beware of xenophobia, ethnic prejudice, or racism 
    • They can make you judge some cultures more harshly
  6. Recognize common ground (so perpetrators aren't monsters)
    • Bullfighting ethic says the killing should be fast
  7. If trying to persuade, use what people already believe 
    • Example: Rollin gives ethics lectures to cowboys, ranchers, etc. He uses the fact that they are caring toward their animals to try to convince them to change some rodeo events.
  8. Realize culture is fluid 
    • Bullfighting prohibited in part of Spain (Catalonia)
    • Circus came to an end
  9. Leave advocacy to locals as much as possible (?)