
The existence argument

Budolfson follow-ups:

  1. He does not think we lack efficacy all the time--this has to do with the meat and supermarket industry
  2. He does not think we lack efficacy when voting!
  3. He says some products are "essentially bad" so should be avoided even if we can't make a difference. Suppose cocoamone were factory farmed on a large scale.
  4. The next argument we look at implicitly assumes we CAN make a difference.

Eating animals slides

Zangwill, annotated

Debate Friday--which question splits the class?

  1. "If you care about animals you should eat them." (Zangwill) Agree, disagree
  2. Carnivores are the "natural friends" of animals. (Zangwill) Agree, disagree
  3. On the whole, humane farming is good for animals. Agree, disagree
  4. Ethically, the best diet is "conscientious omnivore." Agree, disagree